Mitochondrial DNA
Looks like a mouthful but it is pronounced “My toe kon‘ dree al”. Mitochondrial DNA, mtDNA for short, is part of your cell structure that we all get from our mothers. Yes, both men and women inherit this BUT, only the females can pass it on. And unlike other DNA, it does not change (mutate) very often. This makes it another good piece of evidence to use when looking for ancestors. On the other hand, due to our society’s naming convention, it also makes it harder to determine how you are related.
When a woman and man unite in marriage, the normal practice in our culture is for the woman to change her last name to that of the man. If you take a DNA test for mtDNA and look at the results and find close genetic matches, the names will probably not be familiar to you. The genealogical connection probably goes back many generations and there were many name changes in that time. Your mother’s maiden name is probably different than yours and her mother’s maiden name was different than her last name and so on.
To help figure out how you are related using mtDNA, you must examine your family tree and make a list of the maiden names of your mother and her mother and her mother – as far back as you can go. While that may help to identify someone who is in your direct maternal line, you may have a mtDNA match with someone who is an ancestor of one of the daughters in your direct maternal line. You would also need to examine all the daughters in your mtDNA line and their descendants.
Below is a list of those in my direct mtDNA line going back to around 1730. Use this list of names to compare to your mtDNA results to help you figure out relationships.
- Atkinson
- Berry
- Covington
- Etheridge
- Eubank
- Fallis
- Harrison
- Long
- Morrison
- Rice
- Rodgers
- Simmons
- Williams
My mtDNA Ancestors
Maternal Grandmother – Edwina Morrison
- Birth – 07 April 1888 in Taylorville, Christian County, Illinois
- Marriage – James Edward Berry on 21 October 1908 in Stillwater, Payne County, Oklahoma
- Death – 12 August 1965 in Stillwater, Payne County, Oklahoma
- Daughters:
- Virginia Berry (Harrison) born 1911
- Edwina Harrison (Covington) born 1934
- Virginia Ann Harrison born 1936
- Sarah Jane Berry (Rodgers) born 1927
- Virginia Berry (Harrison) born 1911
************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** ************************************************************************************************** **************************************************************************************************Maternal Great Grandmother – Virginia Long
Maternal Great Great Grandmother – Eliza Anna Rice
Maternal Great Great Great Grandmother – Julia Fallis
Maternal Great Great Great Great Grandmother – Edna Simmons
Maternal Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother – Julia N Etheridge
Maternal Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother – Mary Williams